aroma, beautiful, cheese cloth, dandelions, green grass, infused oil, infusion, pungent, sweet -

Spring has sprung for me....Part 2

Spring has sprung for me...Part 2
After 3-4 weeks of infusing the dandelions in your oil you are ready to strain your infusion.
You will need: 
Cheese cloth, Glass bowl, Strainer
Lay the cheese cloth over the strainer which is laying onto of the glass bowl. Pour the infusion into the cheese cloth.
Gather up the cheese cloth and start squeezing until all the oil is out of the infusion. You will be left with just the spent flowers. I put them in my compost bucket.
What you have left is a beautiful golden infused oil that has an aroma of sweet, pungent, green grass, almost smells a bit like (corn on the cob) to me.

Stay Tuned for The DIY Salves

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