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brand, Business, Life Coach, New Years, organization, Organized -

As the New Year is celebrated each year I think to myself, “This is the year to get organized”. Don’t get me wrong I’m a really organized person. Things are in their rightful place in my home, not much clutter (We’ll talk more on that subject soon enough); the organization I’m talking about is with my business. As this year comes to an end, I think of the year as a whole; how did I do, what did I do, how could it have been better?? These are all great questions to ask yourself if you have your own business...

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feet, Lavender, Tired -

As the holiday season comes upon us, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to do everything. We are on our feet from early morning till late night. Those Dogs are tired!! I’m on my feet all day long and there is nothing I appreciate more than to come home and give them a Relaxing, Detoxing, Aromatic Foot soak. Ok I know what you’re thinking…”I don’t have time for that”, my question back to you is, “You eat when you come home”…right… or do you sit down and watch TV? Then you have 5 minuets to do...

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